Links I love

Every so often, I collect links into my “to write about” ideas file and later look at them and think, “This is so well-written, I can’t add anything to it.” Here are a few like that that I’ve been keeping for a while.

The women I pretend to be
Naomi Alderman talks about the various personas or masks she wears as a woman working in the tech industry. I pretty much have played all of these at one time or another, with some variances for being in tech but not in the gaming industry. But, oh, how this resonates.

The ping pong theory of sexism
Ariel Schrag does an amazing job in this comic of illustrating so many of the challenges I talk about in my post Creeping Doubt, except she adds the twist of talking about a woman’s experience in tech from a queer, butch-looking woman’s view. One of the things that’s so important is hearing different voices who all share their particular slant on the same phenomenon — it helps validate the reality that’s there while giving a more nuanced picture.

Street Harassment
Another comic strip! Robot Hugs tackles why it is that men don’t see street harassment, despite women talking about it a great deal. I’ve been lucky in that I experience very little harassment on the street, largely because of where I’ve lived. The comic is long, but a great explanation of the phenomenon. (It looks like Robot Hugs main site is down, so linking to the HuffPost version of it.)

Mad Max’s Hey Girl meme
If you’ve made it this far, just for fun, a set of feminist memes about Mad Max: Fury Road. It’s like a little popcorn ending for the post.